I appreciate the tough balancing act between the needs of the members and being respected by the regulators. The ABI does this very well and Id recommend membership ABI Member Survey 2022 respondent We have delivered for members on a wide range of issues for the sector throughout the year. From achieving all our asks of Solvency II reform, to boosting #PensionAttention, and shaping the legislative and regulatory landscape, we represent the sector at the highest level, across the UK and internationally. We provide expert insight, guidance, and support to members through our committees, working groups, data and on a one-to-one basis. ur network of 250+ insurance and long-term savings providers has grown O this year, with new members and associate members including Baringa, Climate X, HSB Engineering Insurance Ltd, Lemonade, Lumera UK, Marshmallow, MD Insurance Services, and Zego Cover. We provide unique opportunities for networking and peer learning, hosting nearly 3,000 of you at our events, seminars and meetings throughout the year. Together, we have proven the value of our Strength Through Association. Sheryl Fernando, Director of Membership & Commercial Development Sheryl Fernando joined the ABIs Executive Team in November 2022 in the newly created role of Director of Membership and Commercial Development to lead our work and engagement with members and prospective members. It is an absolute honour to join Hannah and the team at the ABI at such a seminal time for the industry. Insurance and long-term savings have always been an essential part of the consumer and economic agenda, and more so now in these innovative and changing times. The ABI and its members are at the forefront of the opportunities and challenges that presents, and I really look forward to working with you on that journey. If youd like to discuss any aspect of your membership, please dont hesitate to contact Sheryl or the team on abimemberrelations@abi.org.uk