Investing in people and the planet

Investing in people and the planet

CLIMATE CHANGE AND DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION Having a strong environmental, social and governance policy is a priority for any firm striving to achieve a sustainable business model and we are leading the charge to support firms as they adapt to these changes. With continued work this year to build on and deliver the ambitions of our Climate Change Roadmap, and the launch of our industry-leading DEI Blueprint, we have accelerated the industrys progress in 2022. We hosted our second annual Climate Change Summit in June 2022, and it was a standout moment of the year to receive a keynote address from HM King Charles, in his role at the time as HRH The Prince of Wales. HM King Charles challenged every individual and every firm in this sector to take action in the four areas set out in the ABIs own excellent roadmap. To coincide with the event, we published our first annual progress report on our Climate Change Roadmap. Ongoing transparency about how we are working towards our climate milestones is one of its key commitments. We also had a keynote speech from Sir James Bevan, CEO of the Environment Agency. He used this speech to call on the sector to use the power of investment to make society more climate resilient, but praised the action we are already taking. The insurance industry has a fundamental role to play through its understanding of physical and transition risks, and its ability to provide a financial safety net to empower brave climate action and innovation. The power of greener pensions is also now better understood I can only call on every individual and every firm in this sector to take action in the four areas set out in the ABIs own excellent roadmap. HM King Charles in his role as HRH The Prince of Wales A practical toolkit for action The powerful endorsements for the Climate Change Roadmap demonstrate that we are succeeding in our ambition to ensure that it is not just a thinkpiece, but a practical toolkit to help firms across every part of the sector take practical action on climate change. Examples of this include our programme of Climate Clinics, which have provided members with opportunities to deep dive into specific aspects of climate risk and regulation, with external experts, such as the WWF. We have also provided detailed guidance on supply chain engagement and helped coordinate the sectors response to the Bank of Englands Climate Biennial Exploratory Scenario (CBES) exercise. Our campaign Accelerators are critical to winning the Race to Zero and so we are delighted to welcome the Association of British Insurers to our Accelerator cohort. COP26 marked the starting line; now, the race is on to rapidly reduce emissions and reach a resilient net-zero world in time. Nigel Topping, High Level Champion for Climate Action All of this contributed to the ABI successfully securing an endorsement from the UN-backed Race To Zero campaign as an official Accelerator. All members of the Race to Zero campaign have committed to the same overarching goal: halving emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions as soon as possible. As an Accelerator, we have a leading role to play in driving collective action to meet these key milestones. This recognition of the success of our work on climate change also comes with a challenge to keep the momentum on this vital issue going into 2023. Diversity, equity and inclusion In November, we launched our sector-leading and ambitious Blueprint for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at our sell-out DEI Summit. Created in collaboration with industry leaders, the Blueprint takes a holistic approach to DEI, and sets out priority areas for the ABI to lead, good practice for industry, and opportunities for collaboration with experts. It looks at each stage of the employment journey: from using recruitment practices to attract the best talent from all backgrounds, to helping employees grow and progress their careers in the sector, and advance understanding of what works to drive improvement. At a time when society is entering the most challenging circumstances in a decade, the need for a diverse range of experiences and perspectives has never been greater. With the publication of the Blueprint, the ABI and our members are setting the path for change. This isnt just about changing the way the industry looks and feels; its about creating a more effective industry that represents the people we serve. Whether its financial resilience or climate change, our sector has always aspired to be at the forefront of efforts to address societal challenges. So too must we play a leading role in creating diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces. The Blueprint builds on our track record of leadership, which this year had already seen us continue to champion our #MakingFlexibleWork campaign, become a founder member of GAIN, a group dedicated to helping neurodiverse people work in our sector, and use our Annual Conference to launch an ambitious industry-wide commitment to doubling the number of apprentices in the sector. However, there is much more to do, and we look forward to working with members as we take forward the work of the Blueprint in 2023 and beyond. Amanda Blanc, Group CEO of Aviva plc and Women in Finance Charter Champion While there have been welcome pockets of progress, we are still some way off creating the diverse industry that the UK needs. So I welcome this practical plan, which moves us on from good intentions and fine words to the urgent steps we all must take to create a vibrant, world-class, sector that attracts and develops the widest range of people. Sheldon Mills, Executive Director, Consumers and Competition, FCA I offer my congratulations to the Association of British Insurers on publishing their Blueprint for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion... and their long-standing commitment to driving positive change in the insurance sector. Penny James, CEO of Direct Line Group and Co-Chair, FTSE 100 Women Leaders Review: The Blueprint is a thoughtful analysis that lays the foundations for insurers to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive industry. The conversation is rightly now moving on from justifying the business case for greater diversity to focusing on practical measures that can make the difference. This Blueprint does exactly that.