Protecting the nations health

Protecting the nations health

HEALTH AND PROTECTION Health outcomes, genetics and critical illness cover have been priorities for the ABI this year. Health outcomes In 2022, we launched a three-stage health outcomes data collection aimed at improving the stock of evidence to demonstrate the value of health and protection insurance to policy-makers. The data collection aims to tackle the root cause of the evidence gap a lack of industry data and provide the building blocks to strengthen partnerships with government, policy-makers and key stakeholders. This was the first industry data collection of its kind, involving aggregated data from across health and protection markets. Data collected focuses on the total number of individuals using insurerprovided health services and the overall volume of usage. We also collected data evidencing work health outcomes from insurer-provided vocational rehabilitation. This data will show the speed of return to work for people suffering with mental health and musculoskeletal conditions, as well as cancer. We have ensured that the minimum standards for cover in key areas of critical illness policies are on a par with the latest science. Keeping the minimum standards up to date helps sustain the products viability across the market Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance We have worked closely with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) this year to deliver the triennial review of the Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance (the Code). Government recognises the importance of consumers having access to good insurance at the right price, and the Code provides reassurance to the public about whether and how genetic testing could affect this. The 2022 review included research commissioned by the ABI from the Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research. The research showed no evidence of a current risk to insurance as there is no indication of information asymmetry that might have an adverse effect on the provision of life insurance policies. The review also involved a DHSC workshop with ABI members, patient groups and geneticists, through which we identified key areas of development of the Code to take forward next year. Critical illness cover A revised ABI Guide to Minimum Standards for Critical Illness Cover was published on 16 September 2022. The review one of which takes place every three years was undertaken by the ABI and members of the Critical Illness Cover Working Group. It focused on updating the definitions for Alzheimers disease, cancer, and heart attack. For insurers to offer critical illness cover policies, they must be able to distinguish between levels of severity and medical prognosis for the conditions covered. As advances in medical science evolve, making those determinations requires a regular review process. With this review, we have ensured that the minimum standards for cover in key areas of critical illness policies are on a par with the latest science. Keeping the minimum standards up to date helps sustain the products viability across the market, both for insurers and consumers. By paying out a tax-free lump sum, critical illness cover can provide essential support in the tragic circumstance of someone being diagnosed with a critical illness. This can prove to be vital if the illness, treatment, or recovery leads to financial strain. It is therefore crucial that customers clearly understand what is and is not covered by their policies and is the reason why, in 1999, we first produced the Guide to Minimum Standards for Critical Illness Cover, making it easier to understand and compare the content of policies.