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SPONSOR CPD PROGRAMME | LIGHTING Module 169 October 2020 1.In the routes for better occupant satisfaction, which of these is the final destination? A Delivering fast speed of response LUX Manufacturer of theYear 2018 Name (please print) Job title Organisation Address B Fine-tuning of occupant conditions C Perceived control D Perceived productivity, comfort and health E Providing actual control 2.What proportion of office costs are thought to be directly related to staff? A Less than 25% B 30% to 35% C 45% to 50% D 65% to 70% E 85% to 90% 3.What is the recent change to the DALI standard that has enabled the wider application of lighting-system control for occupant and operational benefit? A Incorporation of zone control B Integration of field devices C Introduction of scene setting D Provision of individually addressable luminaires E Standardisation of wireless DALI protocol 4.What devices provide information to enable the example of detailed occupant maps, which could potentially be used as part of the HVAC control system? A Acoustic sensors B PIRs integrated into luminaires C Luminaire-mounted light sensors D Vibration sensors E Wireless-connected door-entry counters Postcode Email Are you a member of CIBSE? If so, please state your membership number: The CIBSE Journal CPD Programme By participating in this CPD module, you consent to sharing your details with Tamlite. Tamlite may contact you via email and/or telephone with further information and technical insight on its services. You have the right to opt out from such communications at any time. I understand that I will receive marketing communications from Tamlite after completing this module (please tick here): By entering your details above, you agree that CIBSE may contact you with information about CPD and other training or professional development programmes, and about membership of CIBSE if you are not a member. Go to www.cibsejournal.com/cpd to complete this questionnaire online. You will receive notification by email of successful completion, which can be used to validate your CPD records. Alternatively, fill in this page and post it to: N Hurley, CIBSE, 222 Balham High Road, London, SW12 9BS Further reading: (All freely downloadable from cibse.org for CIBSE members) CIBSE DE6.1 (2019) Cyber security in building services design is a unique document that covers an increasingly important area. CIBSE TM40 (2020) Health and wellbeing in building services is an excellent document providing up-to-date guidance. These three publications from the CIBSE Society of Light and Lighting provide key design advice for lighting system design: SLL Lighting Handbook (2018); SLL LG 14: Control of electric lighting (2016); and LG7: Lighting Guide Offices (SLL, 2015a). References: 1 5.When refurbishing and upgrading buildings with wirelesscontrolled lighting, which of these is most likely to be true? A It is very likely that it will fully replicate the flexibility and control of the home environment B Small, integrated DALI nodes mean that new fittings are likely to be no larger than existing luminaires L eaman, A and Bordass, W, Strategies for better occupant satisfaction, 5th Indoor Air Quality Conference, London 1997 www.usablebuildings.co.uk/ UsableBuildings/Unprotected/StrategiesForBetterOccupantSatisfaction.pdf 2 Society of Light and Lighting LG14 Control of electric lighting, CIBSE 2016. 3 CIBSE TM40 Health and wellbeing in building services, CIBSE 2020. 4 In LEDs, some see an intelligence to rival smartphones www.enlightedinc.com/ news-coverage/in-leds-some-see-an-intelligence-to-rival-smartphones accessed 9 September 2020. C The new luminaires will be restricted to working in unison as a single group D The replacement system will require a separate power circuit E There will be a significantly reduced need for power cabling 54 October 2020 www.cibsejournal.com CIBSE Oct20 pp51-54 CPD169 Tamlite Supp v2.indd 54 25/09/2020 16:47