Editor’s welcome

Editor’s welcome

Can you help shape the future of TSBN? Frances Darling is head of business and consumer protection, Homes & Communities, Place Directorate, with Shropshire Council, and its representative on the CEnTSA management board You can look forward to a wide range of top tips, guidance, and more in-depth articles covering regulatory and business topics Welcome to the spring 2024 edition of TSBN, the first of four editions we aim to bring to you over the course of this year. To realise the full benefits of TSBN, do please read on. You can look forward to a wide range of top tips, guidance, and more in-depth articles covering regulatory and business topics, along with an exciting new opportunity to play an active part in shaping the future content of TSBN. The hardworking team has brought together a broad range of articles on core business issues such as: employment law and business crime; animal welfare; tobacco sales and fraud prevention all of which will be useful to you in the day-to-day running of your business. Feel free to circulate this and future editions to other organisations and your colleagues. Dont forget to let us know if you think you can help us shape the exciting future direction of TSBN with content that more effectively aligns with your business goals. Until next time, For further information, please contact your local Trading Standards Service For up-to-date news stories and information, follow us on