Weighing it up - TSBN

Weighing it up - TSBN

SPRING 2024 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES The governments consultation on a reintroduction of imperial measures is concluded Almost everyone who responded to a government consultation on reintroducing imperial weights and measures said they preferred using metric units when buying or selling products. The consultation, Choice on units of measurement: markings and sales, received more than 100,000 responses. Prepacked still and sparkling wine will be allowed to be sold in 200ml and 500ml quantities Analysis of these showed that 98.7% of respondents favoured metric units when buying or selling products, either as the primary unit of sale (as currently) or as the sole unit of sale (purely metric). New pounds and ounces legislation will not now be introduced by the government. However, pint-sized (568ml) bottles of still and sparkling wine will be made legal for UK sales. Prepacked still and sparkling wine will also be allowed to be sold in 200ml and 500ml quantities. Currently, still wine cannot be sold in 200ml quantities, and sparkling wine cannot be sold in 500ml, so this will bring the two drinks into alignment. While there is no legal obligation on businesses to sell in the new sizes, they must ensure they sell in one of the specified quantities. The usual size for packaged wine in bottles is 750ml and this wont be removed the pint will simply join the range of minimum and maximum specified quantities. New guidance will be published to promote awareness of existing legislation to display imperial units alongside a more prominent metric equivalent. Credit: Mark Strain, Trading Standards Officer Image: iStock.com / Silberkorn For further information, please contact your local Trading Standards Service For up-to-date news stories and information, follow us on Anonymous Hotline 0300 303 2636 Is your sector being undermined by unscrupulous traders operating outside the law? Report them via Trading Standards Anonymous Hotline or online and help level the playing field for honest businesses.