Easy yoga and tai chi exercises to ease pain and help your arthritis

Easy yoga and tai chi exercises to ease pain and help your arthritis

Fitness Balancing act Why are yoga and tai chi so beneficial for our bodies and minds? And can anybody really do it? Here are some moves you can try at home WORDS: Louise Parfitt I ts easy to avoid exercise and moving a lot when you have arthritis if youre in pain, your natural reaction is to be still and quiet. But its a vicious circle. When we move less, our muscles weaken, and this can increase pain. Whats more, many studies have shown that gentle exercise can help the symptoms of arthritis, easing pain and stiffness. Exercise doesnt have to be hard, though. Both yoga and tai chi have been found to be beneficial for arthritis, improving strength, flexibility and fitness, while also being good for mental health. Yoga is a nice, gentle way for people who are scared of exercise to begin to move, says Silvia Laurenti, senior physiotherapist and yoga therapist at the Minded Institute. By learning simple movements, people feel empowered and more confident, and conditions, such as depression, might lift a little. This is backed up by a study published in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. It found that eight weeks of intensive yoga significantly improved the physical and mental health of people with rheumatoid arthritis, and reduced the severity of depression. Its something that Lisa Muehlenbein, therapeutic specialist at Yoga Medicine, has experienced herself. I notice that the pain in my knees and wrists decreases following my yoga practice, she says. This is because yoga gets the synovial fluid flowing in the larger joints, allowing smoother movement and creating a greater range of motion and increased flexibility. How can yoga help? With osteoarthritis, asanas which are the physical postures in yoga can increase strength and flexibility, and help prevent and manage flare ups. They can also be used alongside physiotherapy to aid recovery from a joint replacement. Similarly, with rheumatoid arthritis, yoga can be used to maintain strength and flexibility when the condition is stable. As muscles are stretched, tension that is caused by lack of movement is also released. Yoga can also change the way a person experiences the condition. Pranayama (breathing), mindfulness meditation, restorative poses and relaxation can help manage symptoms of chronic pain, Laurenti explains. How can tai chi help? Originating in China, tai chi consists of fluid, gentle movements that are slow and relaxed. There are many variations, but a programme designed for people with arthritis can be beneficial in reducing stress, improving balance and offering some pain relief. There is some evidence to suggest that tai chi can improve mobility in the ankles, hips and knees in people with rheumatoid arthritis, but its unclear whether it can reduce pain or improve the quality of life for people with the condition. Pain relief A review found aerobic and mind-body exercise (such as tai chi and yoga) to be useful for people with hip and knee osteoarthritis. It also found that mind-body exercise had similar effects to aerobic exercise for pain, with the potential to influence central pain sensitisation, sleep disturbance, and mood disorders. Although yoga and tai chi can be done at home, there are plenty of classes throughout the UK that offer friendship and social support, as well as a space to get help with your practice. Just getting out to a class can lift your spirits and motivate you to continue with the exercise. TRY THESE YOGA MOVES Before trying any new exercises, check with your GP or get the advice of a qualified teacher. You can adapt the following postures to suit your body. 1 Cat-cow Stretches the hips, back and chest, and helps increase flexibility of the neck, shoulders and spine. n If you are able to, start on all fours, with support under the knees and wrists. Alternatively, you can do a similar move from a chair. n Inhale, and drop your tummy towards the mat. Lift your chin and look at the ceiling, dropping your shoulders down. n Exhale, then bring your tummy towards your spine and round your back, like a cat stretching. Drop your head towards the floor. n Repeat five times. 2 Seated mountain pose Stretches the trunk, waist and shoulders. This can also be done standing up, if youre able to. n Sit up tall in a chair. Lengthen your spine upwards, keeping your chin parallel to the floor, and breathe deeply. n Lengthen your arms downwards and imagine energy flowing to your fingertips. n Raise your arms above your head and stretch the body, breathing steadily. n Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute, if comfortable. 3 Stick pose Stretches your legs, quadriceps and calf muscles. n From mountain pose, lower your arms and put your hands on your thighs. n Extend your right knee, lifting up your calf so your leg is parallel to the floor. Flex your right heel, lifting up your toes. n Hold for two breaths, then switch sides. Repeat three times on each leg. FIND OUT MORE n The British Wheel of Yoga can help find teachers and yoga studios in your area: bwy.org.uk n You can find out more and search for instructors in your area at taichiunion.com and taichiforhealthinstitute.org n Yoga Therapy for Arthritis by Dr Steffany Moonaz and Erin Byron (Singing Dragon, 2019) gives an overview of the benefits of yoga and includes detailed breakdowns of poses and how you can adapt them