Victoria Bottomley Jordan Webb As one door closes, another one opens. Its a mantra many of us live by, seeking positivity in the darkest of situations and most difficult of quandaries. And yet, as the door to the global pandemic that has savaged the industry inches ever closer to being firmly shut, our eyes now turn east. It might be difficult to keep our collective enthusiasm the sacrifices weve made in both the aviation industry and as a nation have certainly taken their toll on us financially and mentally. Heaven knows we need to catch a break. In these undoubtedly bleak times, with our neighbours on the European continent plunged into bloody conflict and turmoil, we try to inject some much-needed optimism into the industry, with longevity at its very core. The inevitable requirement to turn away from fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions features prominently in this edition. BALPAs Jeremy Thomson lays out the challenging roadmap to a net-zero future in aviation, highlighting the major hurdles we face and the potential repercussions if our goals cannot be reached. It may be a tall mountain to climb, but as recent times have highlighted, we can show a collective determination to see our industry prosper. Robin Evans investigates the electric revolution that is taking place over British skies, as general aviation innovations pave the way for electric aircraft and their use commercially. Both the Pipistrel Velis Electro and Rolls-Royce Spirit of Innovation see speed and efficiency as the catalyst to electrical success. Furthermore, as we all find ourselves returning to work at near pre-pandemic levels, we explore what effects, if any, such a prolonged downtime has had at some of the UKs biggest airlines. Stay safe and clear skies. Picture credits, where not shown or supplied: Cover John M Dibbs / / Okeyphotos / Hale / Filo / AGUS PRIADY / MARHARYTA MARKO / Popartic / Tomograf / Naqiewei / Thomas_EyeDesign / Santofilme / Mateusz Atroszko / Horstgerlach / Stefanholm / DrAfter123 / Courtneyk / Olaser / Solar22 / ViewApart. Credit / John M Dibbs / Robin Evans LI F T- O F F Duty editors welcome