

CONTENTS State of affairs We take a look at the current situation in aviation Call of duty How the airline industry has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic TECH LOG Shining a light on solar radiation How the sun influences a pilots work environment Close to the edge Brave new world Have book, will travel One pilots experience of COVID-19 How life has changed since coronavirus Walking in the Berkshires, USA REGULARS Know your rights Steering a safe course How the sun influences a pilots work environment Letters Preparing for departure Understanding health and safety Rocking chair Obituaries Be part of the team Join BALPAs Security Group Book review Log notices Summer 2020 FEATURES Into the cruise The logistics behind repatriating cruise ship passengers Project Wingman An airline lounge recreated in a hospital setting The after-effects How will COVID-19 affect air passenger numbers in the UK? The disappearing pilot Why a two-pilot flight deck is necessary Green-sky thinking Gear Recovery roadmap What have we learnt from Icelands volcanic ash? How far have we come with electric-powered aircraft? Rules for a reason Are the civil aviation authorities still fit for purpose? Confused? You might be The multi-crew pilots licence