Summer Safety

Thinking of holding a barbecue or similar event to make the most of the summer weather? Here are our top tips to make sure everyone has a safe and happy time

SUMMER SAFETY SUMMER 2015 EVENTS Thinking of holding a barbecue or similar event to make the most of the summer weather? Here are our top tips to make sure everyone has a safe and happy time EVENTS Cooking meat on a barbecue The two main risk factors when cooking on a barbecue are: G Undercooked meat G Spreading germs from raw meat onto food thats ready to eat Raw or undercooked meat can contain germs that cause food poisoning, such as salmonella, E. coli and campylobacter.However, these bacteria can be killedby cooking meat until it ispiping hot all the way through. All staff involved in the preparation or serving of food should be adequately trained. When youre cookingany kind of meat on a barbecue, such as poultry (chickenor turkey), pork, steak, burgers or sausages, make sure: G The coals are glowing red with a powdery grey surfacebefore you start cooking, as this means thattheyre hot enough G Frozen meat is properly thawed before you cook it G You turn the meat regularly and move it around the barbecue to cook it evenly Remember that meat is safe to eat only when: G It is piping hot in the centre G There is no pink meat visible G Anyjuices are clear Dont assume that because meatischarred on the outside it will be cooked properly on the inside. Cut the meat at the thickest part and ensure none of it is still pink. Food made from minced meat,such assausages and burgers, must be cooked thoroughly all the way through. Raw meat Cross-contamination can happen if raw meat touches anything (including plates, cutlery, tongs and chopping boards) that subsequently comes into contact with other food. A Temporary Events Notice would be required for alcohol sales that are to take place at unlicensed premises Some easy steps to help prevent cross-contamination are: G Always wash your hands after touching raw meat G Use separate utensils (plates, tongs, containers) for cooked and raw meat G Never put cooked food on a plate or surface that has had raw meat on it G Keep raw meat in a sealed container away from foods that are ready to eat, such as salads and buns G Dont put raw meat next to cooked or partly cooked meat on the barbecue G Dont put sauce or marinade on cooked food, if it has already been used with raw meat. Keep food cool Its alsoimportant to keep some foods cool to prevent foodpoisoning germs from multiplying. Make sure you keep the following foods cool: G Salads G Dips G Milk, cream, yoghurt G Desserts and cream cakes G Sandwiches G Ham and other cooked meats G Cooked rice, including rice salads G Dont leave food out of the fridge for more than a couple of hours, and dont leave food in the sun Fire safety G Make sure your barbecue is steady on a level surface, away from plants and trees G The fire service advisescovering the bottom of your barbecuewith charcoal to a depth of no more than 5cm (2in).Useonly recognisedfirelighters or starter fuel, and thenonly on cold coals G Never use petrol on a barbecue G Restrict access to the cooking area and hot surfaces Click to watch the FSAs public service advertisement on food safety Hog roasts If you are thinking of hiring a specialist caterer to do a hog roast, here are some things you should think about: G Is the caterer registered with a local authority and, if so, what is their food hygiene rating score? G Are their employees suitably trained in food hygiene? FIND OUT MORE Further information on barbecue safety is G How much room will they need? available from the Royal Society for the G How will entry to the cooking Prevention of Accidents. The organisation also area be restricted? has details on safe bouncy castle use, as does G Will they need access to Fair Play for Children. electricity? The UK government provides detailed guidance G What are the arrangements for about whether you require a music licence here. any left-over food, how will it be stored and for how long? G Ensure that you are clear with this caterer about who is responsible for what Bouncy castles Thinking of hiring or using your own bouncy castle? Before deciding which firm to hire a bouncy castle from, ask for detailed guidelines about how the company operates. You will need to consider the following issues: G Identify an appropriate site for the castle G Cushion any hard ground at the open side G Check the castle looks well maintained G Ination and mooring of the castle stakes should be at least a foot long. If it cant be staked, dont hire it! G Limit the number of children that will be allowed on it at any one time, depending on age and size G Consider what you will do in the event of wet or windyweather G Make sure a responsible adult supervises and manages children at all times while it is being used G Implement rota systems that avoid the mixing of different ages or sizes. G Ensure appropriate behaviour of children; they should not climb on walls, attempt acrobatics like somersaults, or take food or drink onto the inatable G Protect children and others from electrical equipment G Remember that mixing alcohol and bouncy castles can bedangerous. G Consider taking out extra insurance cover if you hire a bouncycastle. G Adults and children should not be on bouncy castles together G Adults should only use bouncy castles made specifically for adult size and weight Licensing issues Businesses, organisations and individuals who want to provide some types of entertainment may require a licence or other authorisation from your local council. The types of businesses and organisations that need a licence for entertainment might include: G Nightclubs G Live music venues G Cinemas G Larger theatres G Larger street and open air festivals G Larger indoor sporting arenas A Temporary Events Notice is required if alcohol sales are to take place at unlicensed premises, or where the licensee wishes to sell alcohol from a temporary bar sited in an area not authorised by their licence but in accordance with the plans like the beer garden or car park. These areas are commonly unlicensed, so should only be used for the consumption and not the sale of alcohol, unless restricted even further by other conditions. Consider your neighbours If your venue is in a residential area, its a good idea to consider what effect the event will have on your neighbours. Barbecues are fun, but the cooking odours can be unpleasant for those living nearby. Try to site your barbecue as far away as possible from neighbours to avoid fumes drifting into their homes. If you have a party, warn your neighbours in advance or consider inviting them. Keep windows and doors shut and, if someone complains, turn down any music. If you are using a beer garden or a similar outside venue for your party, then make sure the music source is inside with the volume turned down. Credits: Bob Charnley Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock Factors to consider: G Dont have music outside G Finish at a reasonable hour or move the event inside G Let neighbours and guests know in advance what time the event will end G Keep the number of outdoor events to a minimum G Keep an eye on your customers alcohol use as well as other risks caused by drinking beyond responsible limits. Behavioural changes often lead to voices rising in volume, which can lead to disturbances G If your guests are driving, make sure that they park safely and with respect for neighbours