Parkex preview Its back! This June will be the first in-person Parkex since 2019 and what a show is coming our way! Combined with the brilliant Traffex for all your traffic management needs, the three-day event will give us the opportunity to get deep into the issues concerning us all right now, see new products that aid the parking experience, and also the much-needed chance to reconnect with friends and peers y the time these pages land on your doormat or on your screen, the countdown to Parkex will have well and truly begun. Known to many as the main event in the parking calendar, it certainly has been missed during the two-year enforced pandemic break. Last years virtual offering did a commendable job of delivering the hard-hitting, on-the-nose content and product discoveries, but the face-toface element bumping into someone you havent seen for ages for a catch-up, the discussions had in the exhibition hall about what solutions could best help the issue you are facing, the new connections made as a result of sitting next to someone during a Parkex Hub presentation has been hard to replicate. So yes, its back, it takes place in about six weeks time, and there is much being planned to keep everyone happy. trying to cover all the pertinent issues. Its a combination of horizon scanning and taking stock of what has changed. The first session looks at key challenges, changes in demand and behaviours, and the external influences such as the way people travel and emissions reductions that are going to drive us for next few years. This is followed by focusing on some of these impacts and solutions, such as active travel schemes and also parkings role in ridding our communities of nuisance vehicles. Demand management is explored during a session on road-user charging. Its really interesting to see how road charging may influence and drive parking policy in response to it, says Tooze. There are also sessions on important safety and wellbeing issues, such as fire risk in multi-storey car parks and preventing suicide in car parks. Day one: Day two: Private and public sector needs Alison Tooze, the BPA head of policy and public affairs, has been putting together the popular Parkex Hub programme. We are The focus for the hub on the morning of the second day is on the Parking Code of Practice and the regulatory changes affecting B 18 PN May 2022 pp18-21 Parkex.indd 18 21/04/2022 11:58