,"4":"INSIde TS TODAY Click images or words to go to article Volume 124 Issue 12 The acid test animal welfare A successful prosecution under the Cancer Act 1939 Food security starts down on the farm On the edge doorstep fundraising Food security was the hot topic at ACTSO s conference Charities must ensure they collect donations ethically Used-car crime CCaS Governmental support on the issue Two sponsors who are looking out for consumers Online fraud highlighted at ACTSO Open dialogue Jobseekers Stopping scams News from TSI s autumn council meeting Vulnerable people targeted by an online fraudster After Elliott the fallout from Horsegate Noticeboard Welcoming in a new publishing era News A round-up of the latest cases and national news Welcome from the editor-in-chief Suzanne Kuyser discusses the future of TS Today and TS Review Chief executive s view Leon Livermore on why it s vital to plan for the future and reinvest Consultations TSI s latest contributions to government policy Regions Tobacco control in Scotland business Companion Successful launch for the new site National Consumer Week Good Neighbours Stop Rogue Traders Cyber crime Tactics from North East Lincolnshire Council TS TODAY "