Dream on

Most of us take a good nights sleep for granted, but what if you have arthritis or a related condition and find it too painful to sleep? Here are some tips on how to get a peaceful sleep, so you wake up feeling rested, refreshed and ready for the day WORDS: LOUISE PARFITT S leep is restorative its important for everyone, but especially for people living with a longterm health condition, such as arthritis. But theres the rub: painful conditions can affect sleep patterns, and lack of sleep can lower the bodys ability to cope with pain. The importance of sleep should not be taken lightly. As we sleep, tissue grows and repairs itself, and the immune system is strengthened, explains Lisa Artis, sleep adviser for The Sleep Council. The brain also repairs itself, and sleep affects the levels of hormones and other chemicals in your body. Getting too little sleep disrupts all that. Long-term sleep deprivation has been linked to a number of serious health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke. A 2013 survey by The Sleep Council found that 27 per cent of Britons experience poor-quality sleep on a regular basis and 10 per cent of people said arthritis was the cause of poor sleep. There are no quick fixes for a good sleep, but there are a number of things that you can do to help get a more peaceful night. Remember to speak to your doctor if you need help managing your pain during the night, or if you are regularly suffering from disturbed sleep. Restful routine 1 2 3 4 5 6 The key to getting a good nights sleep is routine, says Artis. A routine will signal to the brain that its time for sleep. Having a warm bath and doing gentle stretches or yoga can help prepare your body for bed, while reading and playing calming music will help you to unwind. Artis also advises going to sleep and waking up at roughly the same time every day: Your body and mind will feel much better for it. Keep it dark When it gets dark, our bodies release melatonin the sleep hormone. Its one of the ways our bodies know that it is time to rest. Light, especially from screens, can block the release of melatonin, so avoid watching telly, or looking at a computer or mobile phone, in the hour or so before bed. Blackout blinds or heavy curtains may help block out natural light, especially in the summer months. Avoid the naps Avoid taking really long afternoon naps if you can, as these can interfere with your natural sleeping patterns. If you need a daytime snooze, limit it to 30 minutes set a timer if you have one. SUMMER NIGHTS Hot, sticky nights can make it even harder to sleep, because your body temperature needs to drop slightly before you nod off. An ideal bedroom temperature should be around 16-18C, explains Artis. Opening windows during the day and keeping the curtains shut to block out direct sunlight will help keep temperatures lower. Having a cool bath or shower before bed will lower your body temperature. Cooling your feet and/or head lowers your overall body temperature, so in bed you can try using a hot water bottle filled with ice cold water, or try placing bed socks or a pillow case in the fridge before bedtime, says Artis. Investing in an electric fan may also help a tray of ice and a little water placed in front of the fan will cool the air even more. Set the atmosphere Your bedroom should be a space of calm and relaxation, says Artis. Try to keep it cool, quiet and clutter-free: avoid having a TV in your room and dont let it become a dumping ground for the rest of the house. Write it down If you start thinking about your to do list or worrying about something the moment your head hits the pillow, then keep a notepad and pen in your bedside drawer and write down what is concerning you. This helps to clear the mind, making it easier to concentrate on getting a good nights sleep, says Artis. Healthy living Sometimes the old advice is the best: take regular, moderate exercise during the day (not too close to bedtime), and avoid eating a heavy meal or drinking caffeine and alcohol in the evenings. Alcohol may help you fall asleep initially, but will interrupt your sleep later on in the night and it robs us of one of our most satisfying types of sleep, where dreams occur, Artis explains. Plus you will wake dehydrated and needing the loo! n Read more about sleep and arthritis at versusarthritis.org/sleep Try a few drops of Norfolk Lavenders bath oil for a relaxing soak before bed. 7.99 for 100ml: norfolk-lavender.co.uk A wheat bag can be moulded around the body to provide relief to achy joints. Try this fleece heat pack, priced at 3.95: completecareshop.co.uk A supportive mattress and pillows may help you to manage your pain. These pillows are designed to offer support for necks, backs and hips, from 15 to 85: stressnomore.co.uk iSTOCK.COM / MONKEYBUSINESSIMAGES / MALERAPASO / PIXELFIT AND SO TO BED...