

A pain in the neck Osteoarthritis in your shoulders can cause pain and restricted movement but these exercises might help E veryones joints go through a normal cycle of wear and repair during their lifetime, and as your joints repair themselves, their shape and structure can change. When this happens, its known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage in your joints to become thinner and the surfaces of the joint to become rougher, as new layers of bone begin to grow. In the shoulders, it can restrict movement and cause them to become painful, stiff and swollen. Many people with osteoarthritis of the shoulder wont have any symptoms, but those who do can have a wide range of experiences. Contrary to popular belief, however, being diagnosed with osteoarthritis doesnt necessarily mean that your condition will get worse theres a lot you can do to improve yoursymptoms. You may feel pain when you move your shoulder, so simple activities such as shaving or brushing your hair can suddenly become much more difficult. You might also hear some crunching or crackling noises, especially when moving your shoulder. This usually isnt anything to worry about, however, and only sounds loud because this joint is closer to your ears. The pain may feel worse at the end of the day, or when you move your arm, and it may improve when you rest. Youmight feel a bit stiff in the morning, but this shouldnt last more than half an hour. Keep active There are many treatments available that could help your pain and allow you to move more. Youll probably need to use a combination toget the best results. Its important to keep active, because this will help reduce the pain and fatigue caused by your osteoarthritis. It may also help your sleep. Many people with joint pain worry that moving more could make things worse, but this isnt true. Keeping your muscles and bones strong will support your joints and make you feel better. The best exercise is something youll enjoy and keep doing. Try a number of different things maybe even join a class and see what works best for you. Aqua aerobics, tai chi and Pilates are great if you want to improve your strength and range of movement. 1 Shoulder circle Stand with one hand resting on a chair. Let your other arm hang down, and try to swing it gently backwards and forwards and in a circle. Try doing this two or three times a day. This can also be a good warm up exercise. 2 Shoulder stretch Squeeze your shoulder blades back and together, and hold for five seconds. Pull your shoulder blades downward and hold for five seconds. Relax and repeat 10 times. 3 Door press (a) Stand in a doorway with your right elbow bent at a right angle, close to your body. Press your right wrist against the door frame, then push your arm outwards against the frame. Hold for five seconds, then repeat three times. Repeat using your left arm on the opposite side of the frame. . 4 Door press (b) Use your left other arm and, still with your elbow at a right angle, push your palm towards the same side of the door frame. Hold for five seconds. Do this three times on one side, then three times with your right arm on the opposite side of the door frame. Many people with joint pain worry that moving more could make things worse, but this isnt true