Catalyst - Issue 13 - Contents

Catalyst - Issue 13 - Contents

Contents Contents #13 october 2018 / issue 13 / AFRICA IGNITION balance of power South African millennials online spending, renewal in Rwanda, and consumer confidence in West Africa Where does marketings influence lie today, in terms of the Five Ps? Making a positive impact Reality works interview: Scott Allen Lareena Hilton explains Deutsche Banks new strategy, which focuses on contributing to society After years of hype, augmented reality could finally be ready for mass marketing AfricAn marketings changing times creating a Platform for Change Marketing in the region will be defined by data, skills and the youth dividend When is the right time for marketers to spearhead radical transformation within a business? catalyst asks... 5 in Five The new DNA of B2B How marketers are adapting to GDPR, according to Volpas Tricia Fox Stephen Yeo, marketing director of Panasonic B2B, on how the profession can drive major internal change Unlocking the power of marketing The Lyst FFW Three marketers on how to promote business transformation Page Groups Huw Jones and Mark Lawson-Jones on what skills marketers need to succeed Do marketers need to radically shake up their skills? Five experts respond Employee Experience Treat your workforce as you would treat the customer Discussions on how to release marketings full potential at CIMs Digital Summit Microsofts CMO (UK) on how digital transformation requires a shift in culture infographic Transforming Nigerias food business