Firework Fun Story - TSBN

Firework Fun Story

autuMn 2017 FIrEWorKS Make your firework fun farm friendly Debris from paper lanterns and fireworks can be a danger to livestock and agricultural buildings so ensure your celebration leaves no trace Credits: Steph Young main feature; Saty nar, West Midlands Fire Service panel / Tanachot / oscarhill Wire parts contained in some Chinese lanterns end up being grazed by cattle this can cause a slow and painful death for the animal Bonfire night is on the horizon, and some businesses are already preparing their celebrations, to include fireworks and Chinese lanterns. While consideration is rightly given to the health and safety of people, we often forget the dangers posed to livestock by these types of event. debris from fireworks and Chinese lanterns can be a fire risk to farm buildings particularly barns that contain hay or straw and can endanger animal health and welfare. It can also land in fields, where the wire parts contained in some lanterns may be ingested by grazing cattle or incorporated into harvested crops that will be eaten by them. This can cause a slow and painful death for the animal. If an event offering catering is organised on ground that is usually used for grazing livestock, particular attention must be given to the way in which waste food containing meat such as burgers and hotdogs is discarded. To safeguard the integrity of the food chain, the law says livestock cannot have access to or be fed any material that contains or has been in contact with mammalian proteins. Bins should be located at the event for rubbish and, afterwards, sites should be cleared thoroughly and waste disposed of by an approved contractor. remember, if you cause damage to people or property, you may be liable for criminal charges or civil claims for damages. The department for Environment, Food and rural Affairs (defra) has more advice about the use of fireworks and Chinese lanterns, and on the feeding of animal by-products to livestock, on its website. Safe storage of fireworks Guy Fawkes Night, UK and Chinese new year, and diwali are all great occasions for lighting up the sky with fireworks and having fun. However, safety is paramount, and businesses must ensure they follow the rules when it comes to selling and storing fireworks. Since 4 July 2017, only fireworks with a CE mark can be sold in the UK, and to sell them all year round requires a Selling Licence. click numbers for more stories 1 2 3 4 Safe storage of fireworks However, businesses with only a Storage Licence can sell fireworks on the following dates: l Between 15 october and 10 November l new year from 26 to 31 december l Chinese New Year on the first day and the three days immediately preceding it l on the day of diwali and the three days immediately preceding it An updated version of the Storage Licence application form er1 (06/17) is available via the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website. click numbers for more stories 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Safe storage of fireworks Storage advice: l Cabinets should be lockable/secure l Each cabinet should contain a maximum 12.5kg of fireworks l no other commodities should be stored in the cabinets l In a store room, fireworks should be kept in transport boxes l no storage on top of cupboards or cages l no stock on display other than dummies click numbers for more stories 1 Safe storage of fireworks disposal of fireworks: The safest way of dealing with an undamaged firework is to fire it, following the instructions. If a firework is damaged, return it to the supplier where possible. otherwise, soak it in water for 48 hours and dispose of it with your normal rubbish collection (small quantities only). Further information on storing and selling fireworks and on organising a display can be found on the HSE website. click numbers for more stories 1 2 3 4 For further information, please contact your local trading Standards Service