National Trading Standards In this feature l scams l estate agency l sentencing Teamwork pays off created for In the past two years, National Trading Standards teams have convicted 177 criminals for ripping off innocent members of the public 2015/2016 77 2014/2015 100 criminals convicted in total criminals convicted in total 170 170 160 160 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 Custodial sentences 60 40 161 20 60 40 118 years 20 years Criminals convicted by Scambuster Teams gUILtY gUILtY 46 55 INNoCENt INNoCENt 120 120 100 100 80 80 Custodial sentences 60 60 40 40 114 20 75 years years 20 Illegal Money Lending Teams 740 0 5 7 suspects identified suspects identified 50 50 40 40 30 30 People convicted 20 10 20 43 31 10 Estate Agency Team LE Sa oR F LE Sa oR F LE Sa oR F LE Sa oR F LE Sa oR F LE Sa oR F LE Sa R Fo LE Sa R Fo LE Sa R Fo LE Sa R Fo LE Sa R Fo LE Sa R Fo LE Sa oR F LE Sa oR F 6 individuals or businesses banned from engaging in estate agency work 8 individuals or businesses banned from engaging in estate agency work SOURCES: Consumer Harm Report 2016, National Trading Standards November 2016 For illustrative purposes only To share this page, in the toolbar click on You might also like Fake or break December 2016