Consumer detriment 2016: Citizens Advice In this feature l inadequate funding l consumer losses l unrregulated markets created for The great divide Government spending on trading standards is dwarfed by the 23bn consumers lose on shoddy products and services, and is paltry when set against spending on education and defence and that figure is just the loss we can confirm SourCeS: ConsuMer detriMent: Counting the Cost of ConsuMer proBleMs, septeMBer 2016. ANNUAL FRAUD INDICATOR, JUNE 2013. 23bn known costs of shoddy work and services 125m trading standards 15.5bn 37.5bn REAl FIguRE emergency and legal services One weeks lost pay or 446 education 44.8bn defence 22.5 lost hours 55% dont seek compensation Worst offenders: tV, phone and internet (27.6m) train services (9.6m) 7% energy (8.9m) 7% 42% electrical appliances (6.4m) Bus services (6.1m) Catering, such as restaurants and bars (5.1m) 9% Construction (4.8m) 9% 13% FooTnoTe: THE FIGURES ARE BASED ON INTERVIEWS WITH MORE THAN 4,200 PEOPLE. To share this page, in the toolbar click on 14% You might also like Operation Henry 2 September 2016