TSI Training In this feature tsi academy CPPD trainer opportunities YOU SAID WE DID Members tell TSI what they really think of its training opportunities and the institute tells readers what it has been doing to address the issues. Gabrielle Broomhead explains T SI has recently undertaken a heads of service questionnaire, to gain valuable feedback from the regions in relation to the trading standards qualification framework (TSQF). It has collated and analysed the results, and examines the main points raised below. Exams Exams Process Process Training Exams Location Process Training Professional Body Training Exams Website Location Process Work Experience Location Professional Body Training Exams Exams Website It was agreed that the TSI Executive delivers one examination cycle and an additional cycle to confirm portfolio outcomes and ratify awards. The two portfolio ratification points are February and July. Location Process Process Work Experience Professional body Professional Body Training Training Exams Website Location Location Process Work Experience Website Professional Body Professional Body Training Exams Website Website Location Process Work Experience Work experience Work Experience Professional Body Training Website Location Work Experience Click each icon to the left to continue reading Professional Body Website Work Experience Credits Published Gabrielle Broomhead is education Tuesday 24 March, 2015 To share this page, click on in the toolbar coordinator at TSI. Images: BoBaa22 / Shutterstock The registration process is sometimes considered complicated. TSI is currently reviewing this in an effort to simplify it. Respondents said there has been a lack of update training for assessors and verifiers. TSI is undertaking a continuingpersonal and professional development (CPPD) online course for assessors and verifiers to update their competencies when assessing candidates portfolios. If you would like any of your officers to complete the CPPD, please get in touch and we can arrange this for you. If you have not already undertaken any assessor or verifier training, please see the training page on TSIs website for further information. If assessors or verifiers have any issues in relation to portfolios, please get in touch with your external verifier, as they have the knowledge to assist you with any queries. We have received numerous queries in relation to intelligence and investigative principles. We now have a Diploma in Consumer Affairs and Trading Standards (DCATS) module covering this area. Please see the published syllabus and dates for the Intelligence and Investigative Principles seven-day course on TSIs website. Respondents said the online training and tutorials are a helpful development. The tsi academy courses for this year are now being advertised on TSIs website. At times, some respondents have found it frustrating that there is only a small bank of trainers available to deliver the professions training requirements. Therefore, we are advertising for trainers, examiners and moderators for all of our subject areas. If you, or anyone you know, may be interested in applying for any of the positions, please get in touch. Where possible, we do use our lead officers to deliver training for the TSQF, as they are specialists in their subject areas. Time away from the day job can often be difficult to accommodate when attending courses. If this is the case for you, then please look into registering with tsi academy, which uses telephone tutorials and online training. If you prefer face-to-face learning, then please take a look at the courses available under collaborative training on TSIs website. We try to deliver courses at a number of different venues to accommodate the different areas and authorities. There are some concerns over further changes being made to the TSQF, but to keep the qualifications fit for purpose, changes are sometimes necessary. If any changes are made, we will always ensure that everyone is made aware, with a clear understanding of the changes. If you ever have any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team and we will always endeavour to help where possible. Some individuals found the website hard to understand and struggled with locating information. The website has recently been updated and is much clearer and easier to navigate. Respondents asked whether there was the option of offering time and resources to support an unpaid student to gain practical experience. Wehave contacted all of the regions to see if there are any areas where they can offer support to candidates. The support available has been collated and uploaded to the membership area of our website, so please take a look if you are struggling to gain practical experience towards your qualifications.