GENERAL ADVERTISING: Judith Thurston T: 01268 582221 e: TSI HEAD OFFICE: 1 Sylvan Court, Sylvan Way, Southfields Business Park, Basildon SS15 6TH T: 01268 582200 zine the trading standards maga November 2014 CHAIRMAN: Mark McGinty CHIEF EXECUTIVE: Leon Livermore EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Suzanne Kuyser EDITOR: Carina Bailey EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES: TS Today, CPL, 275 Newmarket Rd, Cambridge CB5 8JE T: 0345 608 9468 e: Its written all over their face identifying fraudsters with facial mapping COVER IMAGE: LUXORPHOTO / WARREN GOLDSWAIN / OLLYY / SHUTTERSTOCK RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING: Judith Thurston T: 01268 582221 e: SUBSCRIPTION HOTLINE: T: 01268 582228 e: TSI PRESS OFFICE: Irja Howie T: 01268 888051 e: Written, designed and produced by CPL (Cambridge Publishers Ltd) Opinions expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the Trading Standards Institute. ISSN 1475-1364 (Print) ISSN 2056-6433 (Online) Facebook f Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook f Logo CMYK / .ai