"4":"From the editor-in-chief More cuts on the horizon Suzanne Kuyser Editor-in-chief suzannek@tsi.org.uk Happy New Year! The year ahead will bring us continuing cuts regardless of which political party gains control, that much has been made abundantly clear. Throughout 2015 TS Today will bring you the latest news about how trading standards services are coping in this time of austerity, be it through successful partnerships, prioritising those areas of greatest detriment to consumers, or demonstrating the value of investing in our services. At the same time as trying through stringent cuts to balance the budget, the current government has, to its credit, attempted to bring greater clarity to consumer rights, so that people are better empowered to look after themselves. One of our tasks will be to make sure that both business and consumers understand these rights which include digital goods should, as expected, the Consumer Rights Bill get passed in this parliament. This month will see the publication of TS Update, our new monthly enewsletter for members, focusing on the major policy issues TSI deals with. This will replace both Weekly Highlights and our Members Newsletter. Excitingly, TS Review, our new quarterly printed journal, will be dropping with a satisfying thump onto TSI members doorsteps at the end of this month. Among the highlights will be the opportunity to read a column by Rogue Traders presenter, Matt Allwright, on the impact of the consumer minister and our new exclusive training section with CPPD points. So, if you are not already a paid-up member for 2015, I strongly recommend you make joining TSI your New Years resolution by contacting membership@tsi.org.uk today. "