
CPLPortfolio Guidebook

In this feature l website revamp l new publications l Chartered status TSI transformed A revamped website, a new family of publications, and confirmation that the institute has now officially gained Chartered status times they are a-changing, says Suzanne Kuyser Most excitingly, we have gained approval to become a Chartered institute C hange is upon us not for changes sake, but to reflect and celebrate the new roles of TSI. The first change, under way since the start of July, isthe updating and reinvigoration of the www.tradingstandards.gov.uk website. Since 2009, the website has been fed byseveral different editors, based in each of the departments within TSI, allstriving to provide information that is required by and useful to our members. Five years on, there were concerns that the site was not quite as shiny and clear as it could be, and there was feedback that it was not easy to find everything, including our Who we are section. So, in July, we invited 3Di our chosen experts in technical communication to spend a day with our web editors to update themon what makes copy work,and how navigation on our site couldbe improved. At the same time, we committed to change the landing page and, therefore, the homepage of the website, so that wecould better promote our areas of workaround business education and Consumer Codes of Approval. Both tasks are now coming together and by the time you read this the new-look to the website should be in place, with better navigation anda clearer layout creating a much more user-friendly service. We are also investigating a new URL for the website, because from next autumn we can no longer use the suffix .gov.uk. In addition, we have been working on changes to our publications TSToday, and our new quarterly magazine, TS Review and on a new range of mastheads. These will include the current Weekly Highlights and Members Newsletter. Finally but perhaps most excitingly we have gained approval tobecome a Chartered institute, so we are now developing a new logoforTSI. Work on the rebranding began in September in hopeful anticipation andwe are now awaiting some draft designs. Guidance for the designers has included: conversations with the team here; a list of the words that we feel represents TSI; and a recommendation to watch our conference video, which captures the essence of who we are in an easily accessible format. Now we must bring all of these differentelements into some sort of alignment. This is not an easy task changing logos and website addresses has a huge implication on so many areas of what we do, and not all the timings can match up. So you will see change in some areas, followed by an update. If you have concerns about how this may impact on you, please feel free to contact me. Credits Published Suzanne Kuyser is service director 28 October, 2014 To share this page, click on in the toolbar (communications and policy) at TSI and editor-in-chief of TS Today. Contact her at suzannek@tsi.org.uk Images: jps / Shutterstock