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BUILDING PERFORMANCE | DATA 450 users overall often displayed high energy use for heating, which tends to further indicate that occupant density is not the main culprit for high energy use, and points to a large potential for energy savings. 400 350 LETI target: 65kWhm-2 GIA per year RIBA target: 55kWhm-2 per year. There was only a small number of schools in recent years of submissions, but two of the three with good data met the LETI EUI. Other sectors LETI target: n/a currently RIBA target: n/a currently. From the awards submission data, higher education is probably a sector ready for EUI targets, with much data available and several exemplar projects. There are also many useful examples of office retrofits and energy savings, from operations and maintenance measures through to plant replacement and full faade upgrades, which can support an ambitious energy-use trajectory for existing office stock. What the review says about data Despite these findings, the review was limited by the quality or completeness of data, particularly in the early years. Quality of data has improved markedly in the past two years, and many more projects have gone through an overall post-occupancy evaluation exercise including gathering of user feedback. Typical issues with the data collected included no indication of whether internal floor area is net or gross, unclear language, and inconsistent energy units quoted. (See panel Typical issues with data.) EUI kWhm-2 GIA per year Schools 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0% 20% 40% 80% 100% curve, from very high down to exemplar low-energy use. Densities ranged from around 8.5 to 14m2 per occupant, with no strong link to energy-use intensity (at least, as seen from the data available). show reasonably good alignment with the CIBSE curve. Average across green construction board building mission in-use case studies 2030 Challenge 2030 Proposed changes to entry form CIBSE is proposing a change to the award submission forms, with a separate data entry form for quantitative data on energy performance, alongside the qualitative form. This should have a number of benefits including more clarity on the essential information needed and in quicker data entry, and a clearer and fairer basis for judges to assess the respective performance of entries. We believe the awards submissions will have more value to industry, as the data will be ready to be processed by CIBSEs partner UCL to contribute to the benchmark database (subject to agreement from entrants). Project team members will also have the option to be showcased on the benchmark curves, adding profile to their achievements. Hopefully in the near future, there will be a streamlined co-ordinated process with 60% RESOURCES ON BUILDING PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Energy, People, Buildings by J. Kimpian, H. Hartman and S. Pelsmakers bit.ly/CJMay21JG Housing Fit for Purpose, F. Stevenson, 2019 bit.ly/CJMay21LG2 Woodknowledge Wales Building Performance Evaluation Guide and toolkit for housing, 2021 bit.ly/CJMay21JG4 other awards, in particular RIBAs with whom CIBSE has been working for a few years to align criteria and share data. The aim is for inuse energy data entered for the RIBA awards also contributing to the CIBSE database. We have drafted new data-collection forms for homes and non-domestic projects. The aim is to balance the need for clarity and useful information, while addressing the common issues mentioned above. We realise the very fact of having monitored energy use is an achievement, so the new form recognises this, highlighting the essential asks while offering options for more granular information. The deadline to comment on the draft awards data collection form is May 6.4 To contribute to other industry efforts on building performance see panel How to support building performance. CJ References: 1 TM61-64 suite on Operational performance, 2020 bit.ly/CJMay21JG3 2 RIBA Plan for Use guide, 2021 bit.ly/CJMay21JG5 3 CIBSE Energy Benchmarking tool (beta version) bit.ly/CJMay21Data2 4 CIBSE awards New data collection form for consultation bit.ly/CJMay21Data1 5 RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge, bit.ly/CJMay21Data3 6 LETI Net-Zero 1-pager, bit.ly/CJMay21Data4 18 May 2021 www.cibsejournal.com CIBSE May 21 pp16-18 Performance data.indd 18 23/04/2021 15:53