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SPONSOR CPD PROGRAMME | LIGHTING Module 156 December 2019 1.How many new chapters has the 2018 SLL Lighting Handbook? LUX Manufacturer of theYear 2018 Name (please print) Job title Organisation Address A 3 B 5 C 10 D 13 Postcode E 32 2.In which chapter does a discussion on equal and approved products appear? A Controls B Coordination with other services C Design ethos D Lighting design process E Luminaires 3.What do the letters LENI stand for? A Lamp Enumeration Number Index B Liberalised Equipment Navicular Incentive C Licenced Equipment Neoteric Incompatibility D Lighting Energy Numeric Indicator Email Are you a member of CIBSE? If so, please state your membership number: The CIBSE Journal CPD Programme By participating in this CPD module, you consent to sharing your details with Tamlite. Tamlite may contact you via email and/or telephone with further information and technical insight on its services. You have the right to optout from such communications at any time. I understand that I will receive marketing communications from Tamlite after completing this module, please tick here: By entering your details above, you agree that CIBSE may contact you with information about CPD and other training or professional development programmes, and about membership of CIBSE, if you are not a member. Go to www.cibsejournal.com/cpd to complete this questionnaire online. You will receive notification by email of successful completion, which can be used to validate your CPD records. Alternatively, fill in this page and post it to: N Hurley, CIBSE, 222 Balham High Road, London, SW12 9BS E Local Energy Notional Incandescence References: 4.What maintained lighting level is suggested in the prevailing guidance for a defendants toilet facility in a court building? A 100 lux B 125 lux C 150 lux D 175 lux E 200 lux 1 SLL Lighting Handbook, Society of Light and Lighting, CIBSE, November 2018. 2 R uffles, P, SLL Lighting Handbook www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnvS3bcnA0 accessed 10 November 2019. 5.Which of these is not explicitly referred to as a category in the Historic buildings and spaces chapter? A Historic building being converted to a new use B Historic building preserved as is C Historic lighting systems and components D Historic or sensitive exterior spaces E Reuse of historic buildings and interiors 22 December 2019 www.cibsejournal.com CIBSE Dec19 pp19-22 CPD Supp.indd 22 22/11/2019 17:06