CPLPortfolio Guidebook

, "23":"MEET ThE TEAM www.cibsejournal.com Editorial Editor: Alex Smith Tel: 012 2327 3520 Email: asmith@cibsejournal.com Senior reporter: liza young, Tel: 012 2327 3529 Email: lyoung@cibsejournal.com Digital designer: Debra Nelson Technical editor: Tim Dwyer Advertisement sales Sales manager: Jim Folley Tel: 020 7324 2786, Email: jim.folley@redactive.co.uk Sales executive: Patrick lynn, Tel: 020 7880 7614, Email: patrick.lynn@redactive.co.uk Sales executive: Darren Hale Tel: 020 7880 6206, Email: darren.hale@redactive.co.uk Senior sales executive: Paul Wade Tel: 020 7880 6212 Email: paul.wade@redactive.co.uk Advertising production: Jane Easterman Tel: 020 7880 6248 Email: jane.easterman@redactive.co.uk For CIBSE Publishing co-ordinator: Neil Walsh Tel: 020 8772 3696, Email: nwalsh@cibse.org Journal production manager: Nicola Hurley Tel: 020 8772 3697, Email: nhurley@cibse.org Editorial advisory panel George Adams, engineering director, Spie Matthew Hall Hannah Williams, mechanical engineer, Atkins Patrick Conaghan, partner, Hoare lea Consulting Engineers Rowan Crowley, director, einsidetrack James fisher, e3 consultant, FlktWoods David Hughes, consultant Philip King, director, Hilson Moran Nick Mead, group technical director, Imtech Technical Services Jonathan Page, building services consultant engineer, MlM Dave Pitman, director, Arup Christopher Pountney, senior engineer, Aecom Alan Tulla, independent lighting consultant Ged Tyrrell, managing director, Tyrrell Systems Ant Wilson, director, Aecom Terry Wyatt, consultant to Hoare lea Editorial team Alex Smith, Tim Dwyer, Liza Young, Neil Walsh, Editor, CIBSE Journal asmith@cibsejournal.com @alexsmith68 Technical editor, CIBSE Journal editor@cibsejournal.com @timcdwyer Senior reporter, CIBSE Journal lyoung@cibsejournal.com @lizayoung88 Publishing co-ordinator nwalsh@cibse.org @cibse Philip King, Editorial advisory panel members including: Ant Wilson, George Adams, Hannah Williams, Director, Aecom Engineering director at Spie Matthew Hall Mechanical engineer, Atkins Director, Hilson Moran CIBSE Journal is written and produced by CPl (Cambridge Publishers ltd) Tel: +44 (0) 1223 477411. www.cpl.co.uk 275 Newmarket Road, Cambridge CB5 8JE. Editorial copy deadline: First day of the month preceding the publication month. The opinions expressed in editorial material do not necessarily represent the views of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). unless specifically stated, goods or services mentioned in editorial or advertisements are not formally endorsed by CIBSE, which does not guarantee or endorse or accept any liability for any goods and/or services featured in this publication. CIBSE, 222 Balham High Road, london SW12 9BS Tel: +44 (0) 20 8675 5211. www.cibse.org CIBSE Services ltd. ISSN 1759-846X Subscription enquiries If you are not a CIBSE member but would like to receive CIBSE Journal, subscribe now! Costs are 80 (uk) and 100 (international). For subscription enquiries, and any change of address information, please contact Nicola Hurley at nhurley@cibse.org or telephone +44 (0)20 8772 3697. Individual copies are also available at a cost of 7 per copy plus postage. The 2013 uS annual subscription price is 100. Airfreight and mailing in the uS by Air Business, C/O Worldnet Shipping Ny Inc, C/O Air Business ltd / 155-11 146th Street, Jamaica, New york, Ny11434. Periodical postage pending at Jamaica Ny 11431. uS Postmaster: Send address changes to CIBSE Journal, C/O Air Business ltd / 155-11 146th Street, Jamaica, New york, Ny11434. "